The book entitled Adásztevel (issued by Pápa Town Library, 2010) mentions referring to a source (A Summary of Tevel Village History by József Péter, 1954) that some of the familes settled there were Baditz, Bozzai, Börötszky, Gyimóti, Kapotsy, Kiss, Merétei, Péter, Somogyi. According to that book they are all of nobel origin, and are to be found within the current population of the village. According to the encyclopaedia of local history, from the XIV. century the part of village Tevel where the nobels lived, was called Adásztevel. Here we have to agreee with the author of the book mentioned in that „it is an exciting question whether we can find the source referred to by József Péter, or we are facing here only a presumption”. We can certainly state however that the Böröczky family or with today’s spelling Böröczky (Böröczki) is one the oldest families settled in the X. century.
The name Böröczky itself is, according to latest research results, a dialect version of the name Berecki, pronounced with 'ö'. This can be (a) a derivative of the Hungarian Christian proper name Bereck, Böröck, or (b) a Hungarian name which refers to the city-names Bereck (Transylvania, County Kovászna) or Alsó-, Felső-Bereck (County Zemplén), from where a person or family called Berecki originates. The Hungarian proper name Bereck comes from the latin Brictius Christian proper name , its meaning is: tall, high, elevated. Orginally it was probably the name of bishop Saint Bereck (Brictius), linguisticly arising from Gallic roots.
It is worthwhile to make further citations from the book Adásztevel, a writing by Gábor Balla dated in 1890: „ our village gained its name Adás-Tevel from the estate donation by emperor Károly VI. to the prosperous families Kaputsi, Bereczki, Péter, Gáncs, Tóth, Czere, Oroszi, Balassa, Gyimóthy, Bodzai, Merétei and Lőrincze –these are the 12 families!- as a prize for loyally serving the throne and the fatherland. ... The letter of donation by emperor Károly VI. mentioned above is still existing and is guarded by the Kaputsi family.” Accordingly this document originates from the period 1711-1740, the years of reign of the Hungarian King Károly III. (also named Károly VI. German-Roman emperor.) (The genuine copy of this document is to be found in the appropriate volume of the Book of Kings.) According to the letter of donation dated October 17, 1723 „ Hungarian King Károly III. donates the whole one-estate noble village Adás-Tevely as a new donation (curalis possesio), although it was their possesion also in the past, to families Péter Ferenc, Tóth or Cezere istván, Gancs Benedek, Kapucsi Mihály, Bőrőtzky Ferenc, Oroszy István, Balassa Mihály, Gyimóti Mihály, Josa István, Gancs János, Bozai Mihály, Merétei János and Lőrincze Gergely, all members of the lower nobility. The donation takes place on the reason that County Veszprém provided creditable proof of their nobility, although they lost their former certificates.”
From the XVI. century onwords we can find further written records about the life story of the Böröczkys. One of the Böröczkys called Krisztina made it to quite high circles: various documents found in the National Archive provide evidence that the wife of voivod of Veszprém István Oroszy (Oroszy vajda) born around 1570, had the name Böröczky Krisztina.
Böröczkys around Tevel and Pápa
The great-great grandson of Böröczky Gábor (born 1810), Lengyel Jenő (1937-2003) undertook detailed archival research about the history of his branch. According to this Gábor’s son, Böröczky Antal (born 1844) married Baditz Apollónia who had remarcable ascendants. Her great-great grandfather, Baditz Péter was the personal guard commander (testőrparancsnok) of Prince Rákóczi Ferenc, and his wife was the daughter of Sibrik Miklós, Rákóczi’s marshal (udvarmester). (Sibrik Miklós died in Rodosto in 1735. His remains are burried in a sarcofagus in the Rákóczi crypt of the dom in Kassa.)
Böröczky István (born c. 1780. Tevel, m. with Kapotsi Éva) would have a big smile on his face if he saw his descendant’s success. We know from family records and registers of births and marriages that his great-grandson was Böröczky Géza (1889- 1972) restauranteur and enterpreneur, of whom a Place in Pápa, the Böröczky domb got its name.
Another great-great grandson of Dániel was Böröczky Zoltán (1922-1995) restauranteur, who managed with great expertise the Hódoska inn in Pápa, in the 1960’s. (The original Hódoska inn had also the famous poet Petőfi Sándor among its guests, he even wrote there a poem recognising the pleasant atmosphere in the Hódoska.) Another well-known descendant of this branch in the XIX c. was Böröczky Dezső (1902-1970) who was the town-clerk of Tevel in the 1930’s and 40’s.
Böröczky Károly (born c. 1880) also has a wide circle of descendants, more than 50 of them live now in Pápa, Budapest, Tapolca and away in Belgium. An offspring of that branch is professor Dr Böröczky Károly, an internationally recongnised scientist of geometry, author or co-author of a number of books, scientific papers, articles.
Another archival record from the XVIII. century : Böröczky Péter and István justified their title of nobility in County Sopron at the national census of nobles in 1754-55. This leads us to the conclusion that to the XVIII. c. a branch in County Győr-Sopron-Moson of the Böröczkys has already existed. It is likely that Péter’s or István’s great-grandson was Böröczky Péter (sz.1811, Pottyond, Csorna mellett, m. with Nagy Erzsébet). The descendants of these two live there even at present, they are aware of their roots of Adásztevel and maintain old relations. Böröczky Imre (1911-2003) moved to Budapest, he was entitled citizen of honour of Nagytétény (part of Budapest) in 1999, in recognition of the reputable results he had reached in horticultural research. A sub-branch of this branch is the Somogy megye branch. The founder of this branch was Böröczky Ferenc (1911-2003) a famous painter who was born in Öttevény at Győr, but spent most of his life in Balatonszemes. His paintings are exhibited in the Kékfrankos Pince-galéria in Szemes.
Fejér County Branch
Carpathian Highlands in Slovakia (Felvidék)
Burgenland Branch